Engaging in Youth Activities

The National Youth Agency, UK, say that youth activities are those that allow young people to:

  • Explore their values, beliefs, ideas and issues
  • Enable them to develop their voice, influence and place in society
  • Facilitate learning practical and life skills that will help them to realise their full potential

These activities are usually administered through youth work projects or organisations. The National Youth Work Curriculum defines youth work as a “distinct education process adapted across a variety of settings to support a young person’s personal, social and educational development” (National Youth Agency, 2020). These activities will likely be complementary to formal education, and can cover a wide range of activities such as:

  • open access youth clubs
  • outdoor learning
  • creative activities
  • civic, charitable and social support activities

Understanding Society data suggests that around a third of young people in the UK access youth work regularly (Understanding Society, 2018/19).


Engaging in Youth Activities

What we do

Key Value

A monetised wellbeing and economic value of 2350

The headline value is an estimate of the wellbeing value of a young person (high school age 12-18) engaging in youth activities over a regular period during a year. 

There is also an estimated increase in economic value over the course of the person’s life based on their ability to achieve greater educational attainment. 

The estimated wellbeing gain is £2,100 per person per full time equivalent week of engaging in youth activities across a year.

The economic gain is estimated as £250 per year, based on estimated UK working years of 36.

The values have been adjusted to reflect 2023 price year rather than the year of the original research.

The wellbeing values are estimated from National Citizen Service programme evaluations that show that the programme has a statistically significant positive impact on all four ONS wellbeing measures. NCS consists of a range of activities including outdoor residential teamwork and confidence building, learning life skills, community based social action. Equivalent of approximately 4 weeks F/T, including 2 week residential, and 60 hrs non-residential.  

The reports results shows that there is a wellbeing achievement per participant in the programme of approximately £5200 based on conversion to the WELLBY (2021).

The 2015 report ‘If you could bottle it… A wellbeing and human capital value for money analysis of the NCS 2015 programme – Jump and Simetrica (2017)’ shows a wellbeing range of £3,556 to £5,748 based on 2015 figures, with a mid figure of approximately £4700 per person, approx £6000 adjusted to 2023 figures.  

This gives a mid point between the 2 figures of £5,600 for 4 weeks, or a wellbeing uplift of £1,400 per week of engagement throughout the year.

A Healthy Minds school wellbeing and resilience programme analysis shows a per person wellbeing achievement of approximately £2400 converted to the WELLBY (2019).  The Healthy Minds programme includes approximately 30 hours of lessons across each year, or 1 week F/T.  

A midpoint between the 2 estimated wellbeing gains is £1,900 per person per full time equivalent week of engaging in youth activities across a year. 

Inflation adjusted value is £2,108 which is rounded to £2,100. 

The NCS programme also reports potential for improved economic gain over the person’s lifetime of approximately £6900 in 2015 figures, approx £9000 adjusted to 2023 figures.  Across estimated UK working years of 36 this works out as £250 per year.

The total value is £2,100+£250= £2,350 in 2023 prices. Our approach to inflation adjustments is explained on our Methodology page HERE

If you’re just starting out, start with Bronze first. The result of a Bronze measurement is just an estimate, but requires the least effort; whereas Silver, Gold and Gold+ give more accurate results but require more effort.

Each level has an effort to accuracy indicator, choose the one that’s right for you.




Monetised value:

Multiply number of young people engaging in youth activities per 1 week FTE over a year by the headline figure £2,350

At Bronze level estimate the number of young people engaging in youth activities up to approximately a full time equivalent week.  

Multiply this by the headline figure, e.g.

10 young people will engage in the youth programme x £2350 = £23,500




Monetised value:

Multiply the number of weeks completed by each young person up to a total of 4 weeks FT equivalent by the wellbeing value, add the economic value

At silver level record actual amounts of engagement in the youth activities and adjust the wellbeing estimate based on this more accurate data.

If the young people are undertaking more weeks of engagement than 1 over the year, the additional wellbeing lift can be added on (but no more than 4x, based on the data source cases). 

Here’s an example:

8 young people complete 3 weeks of FT equivalent youth activities = 8 x (£2,100 x 3 = £6300) = £50,400, + (8 x £250 = £2000) = 

Total £52,400 OR

Economic value = £2000

Social (wellbeing) value = £50,400




Monetised value:

At Gold level you are looking to build on your silver estimations by engaging with the person or people affected, and using direct evidence to estimate the value created  

At Gold level you are looking to build on your silver estimations by engaging with the person or people affected, and using direct evidence to estimate the value created 

Therefore, at the Gold level, you should survey users about their actual levels of wellbeing rather than using the proxy value. 

There are many options for surveying people on their wellbeing. 

A good starting point for questions to ask directly through primary research with your stakeholders is the Maximise Your Impact Guide.  This guide covers 10 overall impact questions.  For Gold level practice you would be looking to understand the question ‘what changes do people experience?’ and ‘how much of each change happened’.  Questions you might want to include in your survey to uncover the outcomes they experience could include:

  • What changed for you (or happened to you) as a result of our activity or programme? 
  • Were there any other changes? 
  • Did these changes lead on to anything else? 
  • Were the changes all positive? 
  • Were any of them unexpected? 
  • What did you want to happen?
  • How did your situation/ circumstances affect your experience?

A starting point for questions related to wellbeing is to look at the What Works Centre for Wellbeing website: https://whatworkswellbeing.org/about-wellbeing/how-to-measure-wellbeing/ .

As you start to measure wellbeing directly from the people affected, one set of questions it is important to consider is the ONS4 – the national measures for subjective wellbeing in the UK which asks the following 4 questions on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is ‘not at all’ and 10 is ‘completely’:

  • Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays?
  • Overall, to what extent do you feel that the things that you do in your life are worthwhile?
  • Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday?
  • On a scale where 0 is ‘not at all anxious’ and 10 is ‘completely anxious’, how anxious did you feel yesterday overall?

You could also consider other data gathering activities, including direct observation, or focus groups.

Some other areas you may want to explore with the young people could include how they feel about their:

  • Social mobility – such as confidence in being a leader, speaking in public, or feeling confident or positive about the future and their skills
  • Social engagement – such as their ability to have an impact on the world, a sense of responsibility to their community, extra curricular activities, or volunteering, or engaging in public affairs
  • Social cohesion – trust in others, mixing with people from different schools/colleges/communities, or from different races, ethnicities, or religions

Support in developing your Gold survey approach is available through the Measure Up partners, so please do reach out to Impact, State of Life or PRD.




Monetised value:

At the Gold+ level, you are building on your Gold value calculation by assessing the value against the counterfactual, or ‘what would have happened anyway’.  

To do this you should identify a control group suitable to assess in line with your intervention, in order to more accurately attribute any changes to your intervention.  


You could also consider any other discount or causality elements linked to your youth activities.   


Support in developing your Gold+ counterfactual, causality and discount approach is available through the Measure Up partners, so please do reach out to Impact, State of Life or PRD.  

Value Type: Activity What's this?
UN SDG Categories:
  • 3. Good Health & Wellbeing
  • 4. Quality Education
  • 5. Gender Equality
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
What's this?
PN06/20 Categories:
    • MAC 1.2 Supporting people and community recovery
    • MAC 8.2 Influence to support strong, integrated communities
    • Policy Outcome 1: Help local communities to manage and recover from the impact of COVID-19
    • Policy Outcome 8: Improve community integration
    • Theme 1: Covid-19 Recovery
    • Theme 5: Wellbeing
What's this?


Measure Up focuses on empowering you to numerically measure the impact you’re having. We recommend that numeric reports are backed up with stories and other types of evidence to help illustrate, in human terms, the impact that’s being made on individuals.

We recommend seeing consent from one or more participants in your intervention to collect and tell their story. This should include a little background on the participant, a summing up of life before the intervention, the human impact of the intervention, and the longer term (if known) impact on the person’s life outside of, and after, the intervention.

Providing photographs, audio recordings, video interviews or even artefacts from the intervention (for example, writing, paintings, music, etc from creative interventions) can add more colour, and convey the emotional impact of interventions more directly.

In some cases it’s appropriate to anonymise or abbreviate the personal information of case study participants. No story should be published or shared without the recorded consent of the individual(s) it concerns. Individuals continue to own the rights to their stories and if they request you stop sharing the story or making it available online you should do so promptly and without need for justification.

More help

We want to empower anyone to perform and improve their impact measurement – without needing a degree in economics.

If you need any more help, or just someone to do the legwork for you we can help signpost you to software, training, consultancy, and strategic support to help you get to grips with the impact you’re having.

Data Sources